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Monday, July 17, 2006

July 2006

So as of July I am wearing the TLC Tugger http://tlctugger.com at night and putting a single piece of tape to hold the skin over and keep stretching during the day

The tape can peal off when I need to go to the bathroom but usually doesn't stick back on after, so I have to use a new piece sometimes.

Whats cool with my progress is that when I'm soft and sitting down, my head is almost covered! The skin goes forward on its own and creates a shield. Standing up is a little too much for it though and it will roll back slowly by itself.. But if the head was sticky it would stay forward naturally and look good. I was excited.

Soft: llllo
and sometimes Soft: =:
Medium: llllllo
Hard: ===|=D

| = circ scar (now)
circ scar before Hard: ==|==D

The skin isn't bunching when hard but the circumcision scar is moving up and the loose skin above it toward the head is moving more when soft. The skin is more lose when hard and if I move it I can slide it over the head a little bit without trying too hard... it actually feels pretty good and I don't see why anyone would want to be circumcised ever.