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Thursday, November 01, 2007

Question from someone...

Someone posted this and I thought i would share it.

I am a 14 year old uncircumzised male. My parents are both jewish,my dad is circumzised,but for some reason,they didn't circumsize me.

I hate having an uncut penis. Looking at the tip come out of the skin when I get a boner is disgusting,the tip is really sensitive,and polls show that girls much prefer circumsized penis's.

I've heard that it is actually possible to get circumsized at an older age if you wish,is that true? If so,does it work well? Or is there a good chance of getting damage.

I'm wondering if I should leave my penis the way it is or not. I've heard that uncircumsized penis's are so sensitive that it becomes hard to do anything different during sex,because you might hurt the penis.

Any help? I'd appreciate it.

First off, let me say that I'm jealous that your parents let you choose.

The way I feel for you is that, you should be happy. If you will live your life better by being cut then I say go for it, you can be proud of it and it will help you focus on whats important.

My situation was that I never knew what was wrong with me or why my glans was always being irritated or stimulated by rubbing everywhere, or why it would stick to my sack on hot days, that stuff. When I started having to shower for school a few years ago, I was devastated to find that most of my friends were uncut and I was left with a scarred dick that I knew nothing about.

It was a horrible experience, and since then I'm about half-done restoring a replacement skin thats fooled my doctor, and I blend in with my friends. I'm really proud of it and now people cant see a revealing outline at swimming from my brief, and it stays safer from the environment. If I'm naked outside or at a beach somewhere (theyre fun ), sunburn isnt as much of a problem than on a bare glans. theres a reason why we have it.

so if your going to do it then I suggest you at least get a very loose cut, but at that point you mine as well leave it alone. theres no guarantee you wont go home with too little skin which will be rock tight when erect and that feels like nothing for you and needs lots of lube for her.

you cant win 100% but I suggest you take the side that feels right.

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Anonymous Anonymous said...

I'm Jewish and absolutely against circumcision. Could you please tell that 14 year old Jewish kid to leave his foreskin alone? His dislike for his foreskin is an expression of 1) guilt that he's not circumcized 2) fear that someone's going to cut it off, so he wants to do it himself first. Tell him to go see a shrink and DON'T TOUCH THAT FORESKIN.

8:04 AM  

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