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Friday, February 01, 2008

Message from Carl... TLC-X vs. Cat ii q ?


How does the TLCX differ from the CAT? I still haven't purchased the CAT and am thinking now if the TLC isn't the same.


It's a softer material and comes in a variety of configurations. I think its better because it doesnt slip off as easily as the Catiiq but because of this is a little more of a pain to put onto yourself. (the catiiq literally just slips on and adjusts, where as the tlc-x can require more effort to get just-right)

its all a wash and but I really think that the tlc-x is the better product since you can upgrade as you go and ron low has such a great history with the restoring community.

Another added benefit to the tlc-x is that it has a narrower cone, which definitely encourages a tighter cling to the glans. I can speak that this is absolutely true, and that alone is a huge advantage to the TLC-X over the catiiq.

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